United Way Fox Cities Granting Philosophy

United Way Fox Cities is committed to addressing community need and creating positive change in the areas of HealthEducation, and Financial Stability. Through grant-making we strive to address community needs, connect community partners and maximize non-profits’ change-making potential.

Our grant-making priorities drive forward our three Quality of Life Goals and reflect our commitment to creating a safer, more inclusive, equitable, and welcoming community where everyone can thrive.

1.     Health – Adults, children, and youth are healthy.

2.     Education – Children and youth are on track to reach their full potential

3.     Financial Stability – Individuals and families are financially stable.

As a funder, we highly value being good stewards of donor contributions and advocating for community change that will have long-term positive effects on the lives of individuals and the collective good. By co-creating solutions with community partners, we develop relationships and trust that will ensure a positive impact to those most in need.

How to Apply for a Community Impact Grant: 

Community Impact Grants are available for ideas that build programming around the three areas of Health, Education, and/or Financial Stability. Consideration will be given to projects seeking grant funds for one or more of the following:

  • A creative or original solution to an underlying community need
  • Efforts that address an unexpected agency need
  • Capacity-building
  • Emerging and/or short-term need impacting service delivery
  • Renewing or scaling current programming

Preference will be given to projects that are more preventative in nature and apply to systemic change. Community Impact Grants are awarded up to $100,000 over one or two years. A typical grant award ranges from $10,000 to $25,000.

Community Impact Grants will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the United Way Fox Cities budget fiscal year (April 1-March 31). Applications will be reviewed three times a year, as long as funds are available.

All grant applications will be submitted through our e-Cimpact database. If you are interested in applying for a grant, please email Lisa at lisa.severson@unitedwayfoxcities.org with your interest. Applicants will be asked to fill out a Letter of Intent. Once the application process is open, you will receive a log-in via email.