United Way Fox Cities

United Way Fox Cities brings people together to help make our community stronger. One of the ways we do this is through volunteerism – mobilizing the caring power of our community to create lasting change. 

Explore the tab pages below to learn about different volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved. For further information on volunteer opportunities, please contact United Way Fox Cities at engagement@unitedwayfoxcities.org 

Make a meaningful difference.

As an individual, you can give your time at the Kimberly-Clark Diaper Bank or on a committee. 

At this time, our only volunteer opportunities for individuals at the Kimberly-Clark Diaper Bank are for the Community Diaper Repacks hosted throughout the year. Click HERE to register for an upcoming Community Diaper Repack.

If you would like information on other volunteer opportunities in the Fox Cities, we encourage you to contact Volunteer Fox Cities

Connect by engaging your community.

Volunteering is an excellent team-building activity that also positively impacts our neighbors! Groups and workplaces can volunteer at the Kimberly-Clark Diaper Bank based on community need and schedule.

For further information on volunteer opportunities, please contact United Way Fox Cities at engagement@unitedwayfoxcities.org