Dial 211 for free, confidential information, and referrals

United Way 211 provides easy, simple access to health and human services, gives callers an opportunity to get or give help, and serves as a hub for community information in times of disaster. 211 is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and is free and confidential for callers.

About 211

United Way 211 has a history of providing a valuable service to all residents of the communities we serve. As a community service of United Way for the last 30 years, it is instrumental in helping United Way Fox Cities fulfill its mission of: “Bringing diverse people together to build a stronger, more caring community for everyone.”

Our organization is a member of Inform USA. We provide a service that strives to operate within the recommended policy and procedural guidelines set by Inform USA. 

As part of a statewide network, our United Way 211 serves the counties of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Manitowoc, Marquette, Outagamie, Sheboygan, Waushara, Waupaca, and Winnebago.

Our Collaborating Partners

Additional 211 Services

  • 211 Counts: What are the most pressing needs in the community? Find out by exploring 211 Counts, a website with real-time, searchable data. The data is customizable by Wisconsin 211 Call Center, County, Zip Code, or Legislative District.
  • 211 Reports: United Way 211 reports on what needs are being presented in the community, how they are being met, and who is helping them to meet those needs. 211 also collects specific caller information based on location of caller, gender, age, and sex. Find the 211 Annual Report 2024 Snapshot here.
  • 211 Community Outreach and Education: 211 can provide services to your organization including direct referrals, guest speakers for your meetings, in-service training for your organization, a 211 informational booth at health fairs or trade shows, and 211 material distribution.
Interested in requesting 211 services? Please contact Lisa Smith at 920-954-7206 or Lisa.Smith@UnitedWayFoxCities.org.

Additional Information for Agencies

Become a 211 resource: If your agency is interested in being included in our database, please see the United Way 211 Database Registration Form and Agency Inclusion/Exclusion policy. Questions? Contact Lisa Smith at 920-954-7206 or Lisa.Smith@UnitedWayFoxCities.org.

Search Search the 211 online database

Holiday Hours Update

Please call 211 if you are looking for local resources. 24/7, a real person will answer your call.

Our office will be minimally staffed between December 23, 2024, and January 3, 2025, and there may not be someone available to assist you.

If you are still considering a year-end gift, click the button below. Thank you for making our community brighter! 🌟