United Way Fox Cities

What is United Way Fox Cities Hub?

The original United Way Fox Cities Diaper Bank was established in 2011 after the groundbreaking Every Little Bottom Study, commissioned by Kimberly-Clark’s Huggies® Brand, revealed diaper need as a critical issue affecting one in three American families. While the original facility offered an opportunity to carry out important work, it didn’t offer an isolated packing area to ensure quality and safety.

In 2022, United Way Fox Cities Hub was born. This space was created to engage community volunteers in hands-on activities as a means of giving back. The Hub is now the home of the Kimberly-Clark Diaper Bank, a program of United Way Fox Cities.

The new and improved space, which is housed in a former VPI warehouse, features an isolated packing area with walls and floors that can be easily cleaned. It also includes a lobby, conference room, locker room area for bags and coats, and changing stations for volunteers to put on LIVE UNITED®-branded shirts.

Groups, including workplace teams, are welcome to use the conference room for meetings or participate in team-building volunteer activities, such as packing diapers and care kits. Other nonprofits can use the space for their own packing needs like backpacks, meals, and care kits.

Bringing this remodeled facility to life required community collaboration. United Way Fox Cities appreciates every donor and partner that made this dream a reality! 

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